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Marketing & Sales

We offer a complete resource that is tailored to the specific needs of each client and situation by working closely with client. We aim to provide as flexible resource. This means that we can provide monthly project management advice and direction through to a large team totally embedded in the client's operation over an extended period.

Every member of our team is an experienced senior executive or consultant and we aim to produce results rather than simply write reports. We have experience of major industries and work with companies ranging from the corporations to brand new start-ups. We measure success through the achievement of the client's commercial objectives and by the level of repeat projects

Strategic sales & marketing planning and development

Many companies take a short term or tactical view of their sales and marketing activity. Similarly many companies fail to integrate their sales and marketing activities with the other departments.

The focus of our work is to help managers consider where the organization needs to be in 3-5 years' time and what this means for the sales and marketing operations. We will also look at how we can better coordinate the sales and marketing activity with the rest of the organization.

Core questions we may answer:

  • What are our sales and marketing strategic objectives?
  • What is our strategic plan for achieving the objectives?
  • How confident are we that we will achieve the plan?
  • What is our competitive positioning?
  • Who is our profile customer?
  • Why should the profile customer buy from us rather than our competitors?
  • What routes to market should we use?
  • How should we use third parties – distributors, agents, etc?

Sales Force Activity and Productivity

  • Winning new customers, retaining customers and selling more to existing customers are all fundamental tasks for the sales force.
  • Our work here looks at sales force structure, activity and productivity as well as processes, tools and skills.
  • Much of our work in this area will be driven using specific sales objectives as measures.

Core questions we may answer:

  • How do we gain more customers?
  • How do we sell more to our existing customers?
  • What sales operation do we need?
  • How many sales people do we need?
  • What should our sales people be doing?
  • How can we make our sales operation more effective?

Marketing – product portfolio analysis, product launch

Many organizations find that their product range has evolved over time and that some of the product offerings are no longer applicable. It is not uncommon for companies to be unclear about which products are the most important in terms of profitability and customer needs.

Core questions we may answer:

  • How effective is our marketing?
  • What should our product portfolio look like?
  • Do we make money?
  • What is our product profitability?
  • How should we launch a new product?
  • How should we enter a new market?

Organizational change – business transformation, re organization,

  • Studies show that 70% - 80% of organizational change projects are deemed to have failed. In many cases the problem lies with the implementation.
  • Much of the work we do in change and transformation is focused on the implementation.
  • In particular we look at what people need to do, how they need to do it and why they should want to.
  • We are currently involved in a number of large scale Transformation projects.
  • The aim of this work is to support the senior management team to: Define exactly what the most profitable parts of the business are Identify incremental profit opportunities based upon this understanding - this is likely to involve looking at reducing low margin activity, increasing higher margin activity.
  • Develop specific plans to achieve the profit opportunities
  • Define a resource/asset structure to support the direction
  • Develop and implement support activity (systems, tools, skills) to ensure that the right environment is in place.
  • Projects that require significant change raise all sorts of additional issues. Studies about various organizations indicate that the majority of change initiatives fail to deliver the expected benefits. Change management in itself becomes a key success factor in these situations.

Core questions we may answer:

  • Why do we need to change?
  • What will happen if we do not change?
  • What does the change look like?
  • What processes, skills and tools do we need?
  • How do we want people to do things?
  • How will we implement the change?
  • Why will people support the change?
  • What does the implementation plan look like?
  • How will we measure success?